Q & A

If you are having difficulty negotiating this web site or can’t find the information you need, see if your question is answered here or call Margie Boyd Reynolds at 858-430-6411 and leave a message and I’ll return your call.
Q: How can I get on the committee or make a donation to help with the reunion?
A: We’d love to have your help. Contact Gail Tickson Bandy at gailabandy@gmail.com or 858-350-0995 and let her know of your interest.
Q: Why can’t I do a Google Search on HHS1961reunion?
A: This Web Site is coded as private and therefore the full URL of https://hhs1961reunion.info/ must be entered on the URL line at the top of your browser and not in the search box. We made it private to avoid security issues and to keep any nefarious persons from posting unwanted comments.
Q: How do I use “Search the Site?”
A: Enter the word, such as “accessibility” and press enter. The page on which “accessibility” appears will be displayed. In this case “Party Logistics.” Go to the menu and select Party Details and then Party Logistics from that page.
Q: How do I find a specific classmate?
A: Go to the menu and select Class Roster and then each list is in alphabetical order by first name. If you do not find them in any of the lists, check your year book for their correct name. Or enter their name in the “Search the Site” box and press enter. The page on which they appear will be displayed.
Q: How do I put a picture or article on the Web Site?
A: Send it to me in an email at margie11044@att.net and I will put it on the Picture Gallery.
Q: Where do I enter my comments?
A: Scroll down on the left side panel until you see “Comments.” Then click on one of the options. Then scroll to the bottom of all the comments. Enter your comments in the Comment box, enter your name and email address and click on “Post Comment”.
Q: Why do I have to enter my email address when posting a comment?
A: I don’t know why and I can’t remove it. BUT, you can enter the Hoover email address: hoover55reunion@gmail.com . It doesn’t know the difference.
Q: Why are there people on the Class Roster for “People for whom we have contact info” with “no phone#” and “no email”?
A: We only have mailing address for those people. If you’d like to send them a letter, contact Margie at margie11044@att.net for their street address.